firstly, it never fails that i fall ill during the season. i'm weak and feverish now. i think i'm allergic to all things cheena,
secondly, i had to go to school today for three free periods, no lessons and one lame concert. the concert band, arguably the best of the three victoria school cultural groups, emulated the cheena orchestra today. ewww. in a sense it was a successful emulation, as they managed to make a normally beautiful-sounding clarinet sound like a Cheena Funeral Trumpet, but a successful concert cheena music does not make.
thirdly [and this deserves a separate paragraph due to its severity], i am seriously considering severing all ties with my school's av department. today's backstage work was horrendous. from seniors that don't know if they're on duty & couldn't be bothered to leave class early to set up, to microphones on stands placed too close to [and eventually ended up being dragged by] the curtain, and constant feedback [that weeaaooowww sound], coupled with poor timing and momentous unresponsivity.
fourthly, my granddad has just been discharged from Tan Tock Seng, where he was admitted into for heart failure. kinda puts a damper on festivities.
fifthly, my father has been detained in Papua New Guinea for attempting to export baby sea cumbers. [apparently an endangered species, although i can't fathom why] so it seems bribery didn't get him far enough. this will be the second year in a row that he didn't turn up for the lunar new year. but it doesn't really matter. to quote 'About A Boy', he'd "have been a useless father, wherever [he was] was living, so i don't see what difference it makes"
sixthly, ex-boys came back. those of you who do not know [or feel the compulsive urge to act shocked], i have been retained one year. that means that i am in my fifth year at victoria school, and all those my age, those i have befriended over the past two years, have moved on to tertiary education. now, you try sitting there, listening to a couple of people you used to be able to look in the eye and talk to talk about their JC life, how yadda-yadda-yadda. i got the hell out of there once Simon was done with my Palm. ended up talking 853, falling asleep while listening to the sad-song part of my CD-RW on repeat and feeling extremely sorry for myself. i woke up in Yishun, and had to spent another hour getting home. in the end, i wasted two good hours sleeping and being upset.
i think i'll top myself if i have to go through this shit again next year.
"Demons (featuring Macy Gray)", Fatboy Slim