Saturday, September 20

under the influence

the Khoo family has been partially disabled by the influenza virus.

somehow my mom came home one day last week coughing away, and younger of my two sisters promptly ran a fever of SARS-like porportions, sneezing away and wrapping herself in a blanket, sitting on the living room couch, staring blankly at the TV.

of course, i caught it from her, not realizing that i was especially tired and that my nose was running something fierce until after my physics exam, when i kept wiping my nose off the back my hand on the bus. don't retch. i do not carry tissues with me unless i am aware that i am not feeling well, and sitting on board an SBS Transit bus with mucus pooling on my upper lip was more of an evil than wiping it off the back of my hand.

so i went home, felt depressed, moaned, groaned and bitched about how i was feeling, took flu and vitamin C tablets, then went along for maths tuition which i desperately needed, impaired hearing [i was going "huh?" and "what?" the whole day] and lethargy or otherwise.

it was a horrible experience, because i scarcely got anything out of it, only managing to ask questions and try to memorize some formulae.

let me tell you that attending a Combined Khooky class is much more fun than staying in bed, unable to sleep. it doesn't help that when i try to do anything productive otherwise, because you're too tired to. this was proven by my falling asleep at my books, my couch, and my keyboard. if you think that's funny, than wait till it happens to you, and you end with painful prints of keys on your forehead and blocks of rubbish characters sent over to whoever you were talking to online.

"I’m an angel bored like hell
and you're a devil meaning well
you steal my lines and you strike me dumb
come raise your flag upon me

and if you want me I'm your country
if you win me I’m forever - oh yeah!"

- "You're The Storm", The Cardigans

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