Tuesday, April 19


option b.

i spent a couple of hours doing a bit of cleaning up. i'm not touching the shit in the kitchen and the living room. that and exposed-for-several-days food, i'm not going to touch. i put up half the mattresses so i could sweep the floor, and i opened all the windows and switched the air-conditioner to fan mode to ventilate, respectively, the room and the internals of the air-conditioner. my guess is that that room hasn't seen direct sunlight or had fresh air blown through it in ages.

the place's a mess. bree van de kamp would have a field day. soap scum all over the bathrooms, floors either coated with dust or sticky, every utensil and piece of cutlery in the house in the sink, dirty laundry all over the place, my father's mandarin evening papers dominating the corner of the master bedroom next to the bathroom, which doesn't have a door. and, yes, they all sleep in the master bedroom.

i have to go back to geylang tonight, because my first aunt is coming back from china tonight. i want to bring the vaccumn cleaner back with me, take it apart, see if it'd work, but i think going out and buying one'd be easier. can't be too expensive, can it? then again, i will only buy brand named goods.

i have a couple of hours. i'll just hang about, wait for one of my siblings to get home because i don't have the key, shower, and go back. why do i like it better here than at my grandfather's?

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