Tuesday, July 12

digitzing woes (and some mural-related issues)

apparently a possible cause of my TT's non-responsive digitizer is the "screen protector" that i've been using since i got this unit from palmOne [a.k.a. the company formerly known as Palm, that will be known as Palm again come July 14th 2005] after i sent in my replacement for replacement. yes, that means that the TT i have is my third one.

what was i talking about? yeah, the digitizer. apparently constant pressure on the screen will cause the digitizer to malfunction. since the screen protector i'm using is simply the ultra-thick vinyl sheet that came with the unit, and i regularly experience this issue, i assume that it's the cause.

now all i have to do is wait for the digitizer to reset itself like it used to, or for the battery to run flat, thereby reseting everything on the Palm.

oh, and today we painted the base coat of the ramp mural. which, actually, should be the stair mural, since the mural is on the walls that encompass the stairs, and not the ramp. oh well. even if i was a complete extra and appeared to be nothing more than a glorified odd-job laborer/runner/gopher/PA/operations manager/QC/floor manager/etc, at least i wasn't all NAP.

i was going to upload some photos of the paint site, but i realized that i wouldn't be able to post all related photos elegantly in one blog post. i guess i'll need to link to flickr.

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