Tuesday, July 26


i took a trip to Borders today after having dinner with my mother, and managed to complete half my Borders goals--i found "Sympathique" by Pink Martini. it was remarkably easy to find, and they even had "Hang On Little Tomato", but i felt it was time to go slow with the spending.

so i finally have their translation for the lyrics to Sympathique. not that that was what i bought the entire album for, but, damn, is that my ultimate song or what? it is my fucking theme song.

dawn's worrying me. if you read her blog, you'd know why. i'd link you, but i haven't been able to get myself to so much as move my old blog entirely here, let alone create my intended network of links. and i digress. new paragraph.

dawn. you don't have to take what a lecturer says so hard. or even, seriously. they say that those who cannot do teach, and that is true for most of the teachers and lecturers i've met in my life. so there you go. remember the graphic artist/designer from the states that came here for a talk on illustration and said she loved your drawings? hello?

end of verbal diarrhea. i have no idea why i'm so chatty at the moment. probably because my phone's out of commission. because i didn't pay the phone bill and they cut my line off when i was in melaka. because i gave most of my money to my siblings. because they have none, and no one was going to give them any.


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