Sunday, March 20

the blaze of glory


I told myself that i was going to post something, but then i put my PowerBook to sleep before doing that.

So here i am. Close to five AM, can't sleep, work to do, dead tired, want to go places, unable to go anywhere.Also, The O.C. sucked this week. I may be the first O.C. fan in singapore to say this, but i hate Seth Cohen. I have few reasons left for watching this show, and one of them? Completely frivolous. But? Probably the only reason i've stuck this long with this series. I need to find a new user id for gmail.

American Beauty was fantastic, however. Must buy on DVD.

I need much more than sleep. I don't think i can face the rest of today, Monday, or the rest of my life by myself. Why can't i find a suitable candidate?

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