Sunday, December 18


This is sad. The McDonald’s at my place finally gets wifi, and my mac can’t connect to it.

Like I previously said, there is no place more soulless to eat at than a McDonald’s. Anyone with half a brain knows that if you’re not eating with family, you’re with a group of friends so unimaginative they can’t come up with somewhere else to eat. Otherwise, you’re a sad loser who doesn’t have anyone to eat with, and fast food is the only place where the servers and the other patrons won’t look at you funny when you ask for and sit at a table for one (partially because you don’t need to ask for a table). There’s a third option, and that’s that McDonald’s is having a promotion and you’re just here to sample its new wares. But, really. Your idea of new culinary experiences is checking out their new rice burger? Go to Mos Burger.

When will my hotcakes arrive? When will sham arrive? All great questions that I can’t ask anyone outside of my Mac, because I cannot connect to the wifi network here.

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