Friday, February 18

how my week went

did not complete day of school

did not complete day of school

could not concentrate in class, fumbled assigment

did not complete day of school

probably will not complete day of school

for some reason i'm feeling like a train wreck again. my mother's on my back about my passport, my contact lenses, the fact that i go to lunch with my grandfather when my aunt takes us out for dim sum some samdis--which she assumes to be every samdi, after which i no longer deigned to verbally respond into the telephone until she hung up on me--, that i have a life outside of sitting around and waiting for her to call and demand that i do something or be somewhere. my grandpa has started to defecate himself in situ with more regularity these days, often in the afternoons or whilst in bed, and it's troublesome to have him cleaned up with only one person with him, who also needs to be at the beck and call of my wheelchair-bound aunt, and i've a new addition to my stable of paranoid habits: checking in every now and then to check if he's still--i have no way of saying this tactfully, so i'll just come out and say it--breathing.

also, for the first time in my history of watching it, Gilmore Girls actually made me feel worse after it watched it, as opposed to lightening my spirit and all that jazz. not that i hated the episode. i'd describe how it is so you'd understand, but i don't want to give anything away either, for the Gilmore addict that reads this. so i guess you'll just have to trust me on this.

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