Friday, September 24

daddy lost everything

today i:

skipped Color class [to be honest i have no idea whether i really did, because i didn't get any response of any sort from the, um, module-mate i texted]

woke at twelve because i stayed up watching Gilmore Girls

left for the Botanic Gardens by cab

spent half an hour looking for benny [my P&FDr lecturer] and, after that, over an hour roaming the place, taking photos

left for home by cab

watched another two episodes of Gilmore Girls

downloaded two episodes of the new season of Everwood [which i'm not sure why i did, i never really watched Everwood to begin with]

talked to my aunt about my father and his passport being taken away

texted my mother about her taking my father's passport

talked to my aunt more about my father and his passport

talked to my aunt about "Mamma Mia!" [she saw it in Britain years ago]

made a mental note to text my mother tomorrow, to remind her that what she's done is crimminal [and i mean it literally, not just because it's robbing countless people of their sanity by keeping Albert Khoo in the country]

watched the break-hiatus episode of The O.C. on Singaporean televison, Season One, Episode Seventeen, "The Rivals"

marvelled at how our censors wouldn't even allow the scene of Danny mock-humping a classmate through [seriously. what is there to shield our young, impressionable teenagers from? let's hope that our kids don't go to secondary schools, because kids pull crap like that all the time in there]

watched the first episode of the third season [the new season] of Everwood, up to the opening credits, because i read that they'd changed and it was better than before

hated the new opening credits, liked the old ones much better

also hated Ephram's new hair, um, style [because it grew out into a center-part and haircut implies that it got shorter, which is exactly the opposite of what happened]

decided to reconsider starting to watch Everwood, though i probably will still compulsively download every new episode as it comes out, because i already have the first two in the season

which reminds me, i need to buy markers so that i can label the plethora of CDs i am going to burn. in additon to other things i need to buy, like a pair of compasses, and such.

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