Wednesday, October 20

i take my twist with a shout

so the Killers have invaded iTunes. only a matter of time, what with The O.C. taking them on. wonder how long before the Walkmen arrive on the scene.

also, the Cardigans have released an iTunes Originals album. which i cannot buy unless i have a billing address that's in the States [or somewhere in well-known Europe, but tracks are more expensive to Europeans, i think]. i want it. but i literally cannnot buy it. why, oh, why.

where's my MasterCard? i cannot wait two business weeks, damn it. and what, exactly, is two business weeks? Amazon stands to earn a lot off me once i get that MasterCard, and i want my CDs. now. even though it'll still take a week for them to arrive after i place my order. i've already given up making a list and deleted it because if i make a list i'll remember exactly what i want to order when i can order, and that will leave a very, very, very huge dent in bank account.

in other consumerist/materialistic/superficial news, i have decided to go to the Clarks store at United Square tomorrow to look for shoes that might fill up the hole that the pair of Kenneth Cole "Debt Free" loafers have left in my heart. look below for a link to see what those shoes look like, because those are a fine pair of shoes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Killers are a local band. They came from here in The L.V. And be careful with your retail therapy.

Two business weeks should be two weeks, but is extended is holidays appear during the period in question. Basically it is ten business days (holidays and weekends aren't business days).