Monday, October 25

say goodbye to aaron khoo

ever since i moved my blog here, i've tried to keep the title of each blog entry to either the title or part of the lyric of a song. because i was no longer typing out the title, date and time fields of each blog entry, i didn't really want to spend time deciding on and putting aside a seperate field for whatever song i was listening to or had listened to that day. so i compensated by making it the title. not that anyone noticed or gave a shit. not that i asked anyone either, but i don't really think anyone did anyway.

i'm sort-of closing this blog. if i ever post again it will definitely be here. but last night when yet another part of my sky collasped on me i realized that what most people would call a friend and bitch about, or go to school, find a friend and bitch about, i post on to my blog. it's not like i don't want it to be on my blog or anything, if anyone here knows me you'd know that i firmly believe that all dirty laundry should be aired. loudly, and in the wide open. but for some strange reason i've had an epiphany that my blog shouldn't be its first stop.

i don't know if it's socially normal or acceptable to have someone on call to just bitch with. i don't really know anything about social norms. but whatever. my social circle's going to disappear from my sight soon, anyway.

this'll teach me to decide to want to call at half-past twelve.

Gilmore Girls: Season 5, Episode 1; Say Goodbye To Daisy Miller

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